Saturday, July 17, 2010

pre-hcg checklist!

So... obviously you will need to get all the foods you like that are listed on your "Food Guide" before starting your new diet. BUT what about all the in-betweens?

Here is your checklist next time you hit the grocery store!

*Digital Food Scale

*Plastic Sandwich Bags

*Crystal Lite or Generic brand
(we like wild strawberry and plain lemonade)

*Sugar free Gum! Always a must (;

*Corn Huskers Lotion / or Johnson's Baby Lotion

*Grissini Bread or Melba toast

*Magnesium (Natures Made or comparable brand)

*Vit. C. Any kind works as long as it is Sugar Free!

*Oil Free Powder Foundation (you may also visit us at our office for a free makeup consult and color match)

*(Recommended from a patient of ours who looooves ice with her drinks) A Sonic Bag of small cubed ice! its super cheap and delicious with plain water and a lemon!

*A personalized Water Bottle is always motivating to drink extra H20! You can get crafty and personalize yours yourself.... or check these out- they are super cute....

found on

Please feel free to leave what your hcg MUST HAVES are! thx (:

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to double check if Talapia fish is allowed? It is not on the list you gave me but it is in all of the HCG recipe book that I have found.
